For Designees

What Legacy Do You Want to Leave Behind?

It’s important that you work with integrity and excellence to ensure you leave a lasting impact on the field. We have opportunities for you to share your thoughts through blog posts, provide insights for updating our curriculum, and assisting online classes. Bring your specialties and skills to serve other DEIB practitioners; leave an enduring legacy.

These engagements will also count toward your recertification credit.

The Difference Between Candidates and Designees

A designee is one who has successfully completed one of our three certification programs. A candidate is in the process of working toward one of our three credentials. If you have registered to complete a higher level of designation after your first or second, you are considered a designee for your earlier certification and a candidate for the upcoming one.

Become Recertified

Diversity First Certified Professional (DFCP), Senior Diversity Professional (SDP) and Diversity First Executive Professional (DFEP) are each valid for three (3) years. To remain in good standing, register to recertify yourself before your third year expires.

We will notify you via email some months in advance of your original expiration. Note that the first day of the first month of any given original certification marks the beginning of your three year cycle.

There are two ways to recertify:

  1. You may take another exam, or
  2. Earn points from your professional development activities

Your professional development activities must be equivalent to 60 continuing education credit hours. Consider completing 20 credits each year.

Recertification costs $50 per person, which you can pay here.

An exam is required for all designees who fail to recertify their credentials for more than one year after the 3-year period.

To Maintain Your Credentials

  1. Pay your $50 recertification fee here
  2. Retest by taking the 170-question exam or complete 60 continuing education credits within the three (3) years of your last certification

Don’t forget to update us on your career successes or changes in your contact information.

Opportunities for Recertification Credit

Only activities that directly correlate with the competencies for each certification. Your activities with the DEIB organization or through your personal professional activities.

To acquire these credits with us, you may sign up with us to:

  1. Instruct Our Online Classes
  2. Contribute to Our Study Guide

Please contact us to express interest in any of these opportunities.

How to Calculate Your Continuing Education Credits

One way to remain updated and relevant to your DEIB industry peers is to take on continuing education activities.

Each hour of related activity counts for one credit.

Approved continuing education credit activities include:

  1. DEIB Courses from accredited universities
  2. Webinars or workshops from DEIB professional associations
  3. Seminars/workshops from influential oversight organizations, e.g. the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, relevant state Human Rights Commissions, and/or law firm
  4. Kenyote addresses, workshop presentations or teaching on DEIB (e.g., cultural humility, privilege, racial discrimination, implicit bias)
  5. Published work including books, book chapters, journal articles, and informed opinion piece in a trade publication, all in DEIB
  6. Membership and/or service in a recognized DEIB organization
  7. Service, recognition, and leadership , including conference organizing, board membership, awards, giving congressional testimony, associated with DEIB
  8. On the job accomplishments, including launching a new multicultural marketing campaign, creating a new strategic diversity plan, or a new supply chain diversity program, as well as a new diversity training curriculum

Submit Recertification Credits

You may submit your recertification credits at any time online by logging in to our learning management system or by sending us an email.