
Your exam report highlights the competencies you need to improve.

Assess it to identify ways to seek opportunities for continuous improvement.

About Your Knowledge Exam Results

You must score at least 80.0% on your knowledge-based exam to pass. You will receive a print-out of your results on completing the exam, indicating what you scored under each competency and your overall result.

You are guaranteed certification as a DiversityFIRST™ Certified Professional (DFCP), Senior Diversity Professional (SDP) and DiversityFIRST™ Executive Professional (DFEP) only if you make the overall 80% or more mark on your knowledge-based test.

Grades are not rounded up. Hence, you must make a clear 80% or above to be certified in any of our three credentials.

If you are unsuccessful in completing any given exam, you may retake it at any time. You do not need to wait to retest. However, to support your future success, we encourage you to attentively engage the exam review session. Retesting for any of our three certification exams costs $599 per sitting.

Candidate Projects

The Candidate Project result is different from your knowledge-based scores. You must submit your Candidate Project through the online Learning Management System. Your candidate project review and grading will be completed within one (1) week of submission. You will be notified immediately the review and grading are completed.

We use four (4) criteria to examine and approve your project. These are:

  1. Useability
  2. Intentionality
  3. Meaningfulness
  4. How realistic it is

If your project does not meet the above criteria, you will not be conferred a credential, even if you pass your knowledge test.

Through the review, we offer you relevant and precise feedback to advance it and to support your DEIB impact on your organization’s bottom-line. If your project is deemed unsuccessful, the Candidate must revise and resubmit an improved project document, at no extra charge, using the reviewer’s feedback. Another reviewer will examine your revised project.

Take our certification on your way to becoming the absolute best DEIB practitioner you can be. Contact us today.